Halloween scary stories

3º A:  Scary love  The haunted hotel  

3º B:  The convent    The revenge

4º A:  Thomas   The game

4º B:  Redrum    My grandfather´s ghost

1º Bachillerato B:  The quiet house   The haunted street

1º Bachillerato D:  The alley of death    The white lady

1 comentario:

  1. The history of this house is very terrifying since rare and paranormal things happened in it. A long time ago a family lived not with much money and the parents one day left and left their 13-year-old daughter and their 7-year-old son, they were only going to leave for an hour. when the 2 children returned they were not there but there was a note that said `` if you do not leave, you will be the next ones '' and they found their dead children in their room. They talked to the police and everything but 1 month later what happened happened. The same day at the same time in the same house. the parents also died and the police found them and it is still said that the spirits are around
